Experiment No. 10 Preparation of inorganic pharmaceuticals - Boric Acid

 AIM: To prepare and submit Boric acid.


1.        Singh H.R., Kapoor V.K. “Practical Pharmaceutical chemistry”, Vallabh Prakashan, Ed Ist, 2008, pp 23-24.

2.        Chatwal G.R, “Pharmaceutical chemistry inorganic” Himalaya publishing house, Ed 5th, 2010, pp 127-128.



Chemical required: Borax (Na2B4O7 ), Dilute sulphuric acid (H2SO4) 

Apparatus required: Beaker, Pipette, Measuring cylinder, glass rod, funnel.



Synonyms: Boro flax, Boracic acid

Chemical formula: H3BO3

Molecular weight: 61.83

Boric acid is a weak acid. It is a local anti-infective agent possessing weak bacterostatic and fungistatic properties. Anti-infective agent are the compound which reduce or prevent infection from the microbes like bacteria, fungi and protozoa.

Na2B4O7 + H2SO4 + 5H2O 4 H3BO3 + Na2SO4


·         Take 5 g of borax in a beaker and dissolved in 10mL of water.

·         Add 40 mL of dilute sulphuric acid, H2SO4 with continuous stirring and boiled the solution

·         The aqueous, solution is then cooled in ice baths for 45 minutes.

·         White crystals are obtained and dried between filter paper. Collect the product from spatula.


·        Boric acid is solid crystalline powder.

·        It is colorless, odorless with slightly acidicand bitter in taste and unctuous in touch. 

·        It is soluble in water and alcohol.

·        It is a weak acid.

·        It is stable in air.


·     Boric acid is used as an insecticide for controlling house holding pests like termites, ants, and small insects.

·     It is used as an antiseptic for treating minor burn and cuts 

·     Solution of boric acid is used to wash eyes in conjunctivitis.

·     It is used as an astringent, an antiseptic and as an antimicrobial agent 

·     Used in the preparation of eye-drops.

·     Used as wood preservative.                     

·     Used in the preparation mouth wash and skin lotion.

·     Boric acid is used in heat resistant borosilicate and other heat resistant glassware.


Boric acid was prepared and submitted.

YouTube Video - Preparation of Boric acid


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