Experiment No. 12 Preparation of inorganic pharmaceuticals - Potash Alum
AIM: To prepare and submit Potash alum (K 2 SO 4 . Al 2 (SO 4 ) 3 .24 H 2 O) REFERENCES 1. Singh H.R., Kapoor V.K. “Practical Pharmaceutical chemistry”, Vallabh Prakashan, Ed I st , 2008, pp 59-60 2. Chatwal G.R, “Pharmaceutical chemistry inorganic” Himalaya publishing house, Ed 5 th , 2010, pp 223-224. REQUIREMENTS Chemical required: - Potassium sulphate, Aluminium sulphate. Apparatue required: - Beaker, funnel, glass rod & Measuring cylinder. THEORY Synonyms: Alum Chemical formula: (K 2 SO 4 . Al 2 (SO 4 ) 3 .24 H 2 O) Molecular weight: 948.77 Alums are sulphates of a univalent metal and a trivalent metal. Theory: Alum is also used as an astringent. Astringents are the compound which brings about protein precipitation. The protein precipitation action of an astringent is du...